Inauguration of Tailoring Centre at Tararui

Inauguration of Tailoring Centre at Tararui

  • Tararui
  • 09.09. 2022
  • 03:00 pm to 04:00pm

As a means of developing the skill, confidence, personality and the quality of life, the Trust has begun the Tailoring Unit to encourage the women and youth of the villages to get empowered and move forward both socially and economically. At present, the Trust has completed the 3 months Tailoring Course in Bejda, Fatehpur, Jhatia and is ongoing in Manoharpur and Rajnagar. The Trust inaugurated another mobile tailoring center in Tararui. The inauguration of the tailoring center was graced by Mr. Pradip Madli Roy, primary school teacher, Mr. Binod Bera, village leader, Mr. Basudev Pingua, a primary school teacher and Fr Lawrence D’ Almeida, GNWT Secretary. The inauguration program began with a prayer song followed by a welcome address by Mr. Ajit Mandi. The GNWT Secretary then spoke about the Trust and the various outreach activities it undertakes and spoke elaborately about the tailoring department and the tailoring courses. Mr. Basudev Pingua, a primary school teacher was then invited to give a short speech to motivate the tailoring students. The guests were then called forward to distribute the tailoring kits to the students. There were 9 tailoring students present for the program. The tailoring students and the guests then inaugurated the classroom by allotting the tailoring machines to the students. The program came to an end with vote of thanks by Mr. Ajit Mandi and the participants of the program were distributed sweets and tea.