

  • To promote Gender equality and Women empowerment through Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
  • To uphold peace and justice by bridging the gap between the haves and have-nots.
  • To create an awareness about climate change and the need for immediate and consented action.


  • To alleviate poverty and achieve Zero Hunger through small scale income generating / livelihood programmes.


  • To provide and promote quality education through formal and non-formal means
  • To offer remedial classes for the deprived, the marginalized as well as for school drop-outs.


  • To promote better health through nutrition programs
  • To offer medical assistance and to collaborate with healthcare units for referral services.
Our Reach Background

Our Reach

At present GNWT covers 34 villages belonging to Manoharpur GP-3, Tarurai GP-2, Alikosa GP-1, Ranisorai GP-10, Matiberua GP-5 and Gaganeswar GP-9 under Dantan 1, Narayangarh and Keshiary Blocks of West Medinipur district, West Bengal. It also aims at expanding its work zone to other districts of West Bengal in the near future.

The Trust has reached out to 6980 direct beneficiaries, and approximately 20,940 indirect beneficiaries till date.

Our Activities

Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust being a community-based organization focuses on various range of activities to cater to the holistic development of the marginalized and the vulnerable population under the areas of operation. The Trust has 5 Sector Specific Areas under which it promotes a diverse range of activities ensuring community development. The Sector Specific Areas and the activities undertaken under it are presented below:


Education and Skill Development

Education is one of the decisive factors that determine the quality of a person’s life. Therefore, GNWT aims to improve people’s quality of life through initiatives in the sphere of formal and non-formal education. Through Education and Skill Development the Trust organizes various activities to combat the issues of dropouts, unemployment, migration, and livelihood insecurity through initiatives such as establishing remedial units for school going children, enrolling backward children in school, arranging scholarships and other supports for the education of economically underprivileged children, helping youth enroll in professional courses such as Nursing, B- Pharmacy, Hotel management, D. El. Ed, ITI, offering spoken English and basic computer training programmes to empower rural youth entering the job market, establishing mobile tailoring centers in the villages for women to help in income generation, organizing career guidance and conscientization programmes for children, youth and women and collaborating with various institutions to help rural youth to undergo various skill development programs such as civil and electrical engineering, driving, plumbing, tailoring, cosmetology, teaching, nursing etc. The Trust also conducts exposure visits for children and youth as well as sports and extracurricular activities

GNWT Outreach
Ongoing Outreach Activities


Imparting value based compensatory education with growth-oriented opportunities to 48 needy school-going children through 4 remedial units at Bejda, Nahapar, Syapara and Salajpur.


Imparted 2 months intensive computer literacy and spoken English classes to 108 children/ youth till date.


Enrolling and re-enrolling of children (orphan/ backward) and dropout children in school. Till date the Trust has enrolled and re- enrolled 25children to school.


Empowering women and youth from remote villages through skill development by imparting 3 months Tailoring Training through Mobile Tailoring Centres. The Trust till date has completed tailoring training in Bejda, Fatehpur and Jhatia Villages and is currently running in Manoharpur, Rajnagar Village and Tararui Village. A total of 144 women and youth have benefited from this skill development initiative. The Trust also supported 21 needy women with sewing machine or financial aid to be able to empower themselves through this house-hold friendly income opportunity.


Motivating more than 200 youth from target villages to enrol themselves for various professional courses in Nursing, B- Pharmacy, Hotel management, D. El. Ed, ITI, etc., short term courses and peruse higher education. 39 students have enrolled in nursing within the financial year 2021-2022, while 14 Nursing Students have been successfully placed in good hospitals. 2 youths who had perused Hotel Management have been placed in Dubai and are working there.


Conduct awareness programs and workshops every Saturday on various issues and important days related to education, health, career, personality development, social issues as well as governmental provisions for children youth and women in the target villages. Till date the Trust has conducted awareness programmes for children, youth and women in more than 30 villages of Narayangarh, Keshiary and Dantan 1 district of West Medinipur.

Women Empowerment and Capacity Building

The fifth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) states, “Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but it is also a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.” GNWT believes that Self-Help Group (SHG) centric activities will bring about a dignified life to women. Under Women Empowerment and Capacity Building the Trust seeks to empower women socially, economically, psychologically, and help to lead a dignified life by helping the non- functional Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to function and by supporting women from backward and marginalised communities to form new SHGs. The Trust organises regular SHG training programs to enhance planning, performance, leadership, and solidarity among women. The training programs aim at conscientizing women on the need for e-banking, record keeping, and the knowledge of new schemes of SHG and providing training on livelihood activities like tailoring, animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, bamboo craftmanship, mushroom cultivation and new agricultural methods and techniques. The animators conduct constant follow ups as well as workshops with the SHGs to guide them, for doubt clearance and awareness on social issues. GNWT has successfully established 19 SHGs within the target villages and imparted Capacity Building and SHG oriented training to 190 women.

GNWT Outreach
Ongoing Outreach Activities


Imparting awareness through seminars, workshops and follow ups with the old and new SHG women on various social issues and government schemes and provisions and assist them in the proper functioning of their SHGs, making right use of their loan amount, bookkeeping and livelihood activities


Conducting meeting with women in the target villages and encourage them to form SHGs by making them aware of the benefits of forming SHG groups and imparting training to them.


The Trust Animators make regular visits to the Block Office and the Panchayat to learn about Schemes and Provisions and create rapport with the local government bodies.

Nutrition, Health and Hygiene

GNWT’s nutrition and health-based intervention is to change the underlying social and health condition of the community dwellers. Under Nutrition, Health, and Hygiene the Trust aims to change the underlying social and health condition of the community dwellers. GNWT intervenes by conducting programs such as nutrition programme and health camps for malnourished children and for diseased, lactating, and pregnant mothers and elderly in collaboration with Nursing and Government Hospitals. Not only these, GNWT also provided emergency and disaster relief in events such as the Covid-19 and Amphan Cyclone by providing food commodities and medication

GNWT Outreach
Ongoing Outreach Activities


The Trust conducts awareness camps on diet, nutrition and hygiene, sanitization, metabolic disorders, both infectious and non-infectious diseases, family planning, pre-natal and post-natal childcare, adolescent health for girl child and social and economic issues that effect health.


The Trust provides referral services, emergency transport service as well as financial assistance to the needy for treatment or purchase of medicines. The Trust has supported 21 needy families/ individuals with emergency transport services and medical expenses.


During the Covid-19 pandemic (2019 – 2021), the Trust has supported 30 elderly, physically challenged and diseased individuals along with more than 300 needy families with dry food kits in collaboration with the benefactors. The Trust also supported 178 malnourished children with nutritious food daily. The Trust distributed over 1 lakh hand stitched masks during awareness programmes in more than 36 villages


The Trust supported 150 flood affected families with dry food kit in collaboration with benefactors during the Amphan Cyclone (2020)

Livelihood Programmes

Considering advancements in all sectors of life, livelihood insecurity, unemployment, and migration are on the rise. Skill gaps and rampant illiteracy often forces the youth to mortgage their land and other assets for securing funds, the consequence of which is an unending debt-trap. GNWT addresses this issue by promoting Livelihood Programmes and offering skill-based training to help youth make a decent living. GNWT offers skill-based training to men and women on animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, mushroom cultivation, bamboo craftsmanship, and tailoring, conduct regular workshops on scientific paddy cultivation, orchard keeping, kitchen gardening, vermin-composting, Scientific Rice Intensification method etc. with the help of experts to promote productive and sustainable agricultural practices and avail necessary resources to help youth to venture into income-generating small-scale business. GNWT has established tailoring units in different villages that helps women and youth gain a reasonable income.

GNWT Outreach
Ongoing Outreach Activities


Imparting awareness through workshops and follow ups to more than 300 farmers/ localities in agriculture (organic farming, kitchen garden, orchard, Scientific Rice Intensification method), animal husbandry (Chicken, ducks, goats, and pigs), mushroom cultivation and fishery.The Trust also provided expert support to 40 farmers for practical demonstrations and improved results.


Conducting vaccination for livestock in collaboration with the BLDO, Animal Health Centre and Prani Mitras.


The Trust Animators make regular visits to the Block Office, BLDO, ADO and the Panchayat to learn about Schemes and Provisions and create rapport with the local government bodies

Preservation and Protection of Environment

GNWT undertakes eco-friendly initiatives with an aim to Preserve and Protect the Environment and the available natural resources for future generations. The Trust also gives awareness on forest and land rights and promotes activities that reduce pollution and safeguard the environment. The Trust has given awareness on the importance of promoting eco-friendly approach for traditional livelihood activities by advocating the use of vermin-composting, distribution of organic seeds, organic manure, encouraging crop- rotation, and water efficient irrigating practices, encouraging lesser use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and promoting the use of reusable and recyclable resources that pose less threat to the environment like- cloth articles, paper items, bamboo goods, leaf plates etc. Trainings imparted over the years have helped participants to not only adopt practices promoting judicious use of natural resources, but also share the knowledge gained with his/ her fellow beings. Trainings imparted over the years have helped participants to not only adopt practices promoting judicious use of natural resources, but also share the knowledge gained with his/ her fellow beings. Most of the farmers have adopted organic practices and attend regular training to learn about products available in the markets. This has resulted in wise selection of less harmful products and alternative practices like- vermin composting. Although the fruit of organic farming is time- taking but most of them have implemented the knowledge shared and have reaped satisfactory output from it.

GNWT Outreach
Ongoing Outreach Activities


Conducting awareness on forests and land rights


Conducting awareness in safe and sustainable agricultural practices, by giving importance to organic farming, less use of fertilizers, vermin composting, kitchen garden making, water safe irrigation and crop rotation.


Encouraging the use of reusable and recyclable resources sustainable development

Apart from these activities, GNWT conducts constant surveys, observations and follow ups to keep up with the changes taking place in the community and the arising needs of the community dwellers and to evaluate the impact of the outreach activities on the beneficiaries. GNWT also conducts activities related to the need of the hour such as relief activities during the time Covid-19 crisis and Amphan Cyclone. GNWT also provided material and financial assistance to the needy. GNWT last but not the least also observes special days of national and international importance such as Women’s Day, Girl Child Day, World Literacy Day, International Worker’s Day, World Environment Day, World Day Against Domestic Violence, Independence Day, International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, Children’s Day and many more. Overall, GNWT aims to cover all the sectors where the community is lacking to cater to its holistic growth and development.


Mobile Tailoring Centers

Sl. No. Tailoring Centres Status No of Students Trained
1. Bejda Tailoring Centre Completed 69
2. Fatehpur Tailoring Centre Completed 12
3. Manoharpur Tailoring Centre Completed 12
Currently Running 9
4. Jhatia Tailoring Centre Completed 15
5. Rajnagar Tailoring Centre Currently Running 17
6. Tararui Tailoring Centre Currently Running 10

Village Remedial Centers

Sl. No. Remedial Centres No. of Students
1. Bejda Remedial Centre 16
2. Sayapara Remedial Centre 12
3. Salajpur Remedial Centre 12
4. Nahapar Remedial Centre 8


Sl.No. Beneficiaries Direct Beneficiaries Indirect Beneficiaries
1.        Remedial Students 48 170 approx.
2.        Awareness Campaigns in 34 Target Villages 1020 3100 approx.
3.        Computer and Spoken English 108 350 approx.
4.        Professional Courses 220 700 approx.
5.        Awareness Campaigns in 34 Target Villages 920 2800 approx.
6.        Self Help Groups (SHGs) 950 women from various SHGs 2850 approx.
19 New SHGs (190 Women) 600 approx.
7.        Tailoring 144 450 approx.
8.        Awareness Campaigns in 34 Target Villages 1200 7000 approx.
9 Farmers 340 1100 approx.
Nutritional and Medical Assistance
10.    Nutritional and Medical Assistance 466 1400 approx.
Total Beneficiaries 5,606 20,520 approx.