Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust conducts various outreach activities, awareness programs, skill-based training programs, seminars, activity-based programs, promotion of community welfare schemes and observation of special days pertaining to the various specific areas it works under. GNWT actively involves the members of the community in its events as only involvement and inclusion can bring about empowerment. Here are the recent events that GNWT has undertaken .
On the occasion of Christmas and New Year, the GNWT staff and Dibyo Bani Niketan Hostel paid an exposure visit to the sick and elderly inmates of Missionaries of Charity, Kearchand and Nirmal Hridai, Malancho on 20th December, 202 1.
Christmas is the season of joy, sharing, gift giving, greetings and togetherness. On 20th December, 2020, Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust in collaboration with Bongio Christo Poriseva, Dantan organized a special get-together on the occasion of Christmas and New Year, 2022 at GNWT Campus, Bamanpukur.
On 18th December, 2021, Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust inaugurated a new tailoring training and production unit at Manoharpur bus-stand.
The trainees of Fatehpur Tailoring unit had presented a short cultural programme on 16th December, 2021 on the occasion of Christmas and New Year. The event was graced by GNWT Secretary, Tailoring teacher and GNWT Animators.
The students and teachers of Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust had organized a short programme in their respective centers on 14th and 15th December, 2021 on the occasion of Christmas and New Year.