Awareness Program for Adolescent Girls

Awareness Program for Adolescent Girls

  • Bejda ICDS
  • 21.07.2022
  • 05:00pm -06:30pm

Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust conducted an awareness program for the Adolescent Girls from the villages of Bejda, Dhalhara, Doasti and Mahalipara. The awareness program focused on conscientizing adolescent girls regarding their menstrual health, hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition. The awareness program was held at Bejda village, and the resource person was Mrs. Bipula Das, ASHA Worker from Dhalhara Booth. There were around 41 adolescent girls from age 13 to 18 and 3 mothers present for the program. The program began with a welcome address by Mrs. Lokhi Das after which a prayer song was sung. Mrs. Bipula Das then took over the session. She spoke about the age of adolescence and the behavioral and physical changes that take place and about maintaining hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition during adolescence. A video regarding menstrual health was shown to the girls. The mothers who were present also were given instructions regarding care and nutrition needed for their adolescent girl children. The program came to an end with vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Ajit Mandi. At the end, children were given biscuits.