Awareness Program on Nutrition, Health, and Hygiene in Schools

Awareness Program on Nutrition, Health, and Hygiene in Schools

  • Bejda Primary School and Bejda, Sijua and Nilamberpur Villages
  • 27.04.2022, 07.05.2022, 28.05.2022 and 10.06.2022
  • 10:30am -11:30pm

Nutrition, Health, and Hygiene Awareness Programme was held for the school children in their respective schools starting from 27th April 2022 onwards. This programme focused on nutritious diet and other hygiene and sanitary measures that are needed for children to live a healthy life. The children were made aware about the benefits of eating nutritious food such as vegetables, fruits and pulses and long-term adverse effects of junk food on health. The children were also elaborately made aware about bodily cleanliness and the ways of maintaining hygiene. Washing of hands before meals, taking daily bath, cutting the nails, cleanliness of the clothes were some of the important points that were discussed. There were 128 children present in Bejda Primary Schoool, 40 children and 20 mothers present at Sijua, 55 children and 5 mothers present at Bejda and 43 children present in Nilamberpur. At the end children were given biscuits.