Awareness Program on Right to Education at Fatehpur

Awareness Program on Right to Education at Fatehpur

  • Fatehpur
  • 10.09.2022
  • 04:00pm - 05:00pm

Observing the International Literacy Day (8th September) awareness program on Right to Education was held for the children of the Fatehpur Village.  This programme focused on the provisions for right to education, importance of education and prospects of education. There were 35 children present for the program. The program began with a prayer song.  Mr. Ajit Mandi welcomed the gathering after which Mr. Mihir Singh took over session. Mr. Mihir began the session by making the children understand the importance of education and stating the provisions for education by the constitution in a simplified manner. The children were shown a short video on Education. The program came to an end with vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Ajit. At the end children were distributed biscuits.