On 31st July 2022, GNWT observed the ‘World Day against Trafficking in Persons’ by conducting an awareness program in Nilamberpur and Chotogobra Villages. The theme of the ‘World Day against Trafficking in Persons’ was ‘Use and Abuse of Technology’. The main objective of the program was to give awareness to the women of these villages about trafficking, how it takes place and measures that can be taken to prevent it. The program began with a prayer song. Mr. Gabriel welcomed participants after which Fr. Lawrence D’ Almeida, the GNWT Secretary addressed the participants. Fr. Lawrence told the participants the importance of the day and why it is observed. Mr. Mihir the talked about why trafficking occurs, how it takes place and how we can prevent it from happening. Mr. Mihir stressed on the importance of educating girl children. The women were shown a video on how trafficking may occur and what must be done in such a case as to enhance their understanding. Mr. Gabriel then thanked all the participants for gathering and being present for the awareness program. In Chotogobra, the Trust animators Mrs. Lakshmi and Mr. Sukhendu conducted the awareness among the SHG women where they sat with the women and gave them awareness about trafficking and how prevent trafficking from occurring. The programs ended with distribution of tea and biscuits for all. There was a total of 26 participants present in these programs.