Christmas and New Year Celebration

Christmas and New Year Celebration

  • Dibyo Bani Niketan, Gonpada
  • 19.12.2018

Gonapda Navjeevan Welfare Trust had organized a celebration on the occasion of Christmas and New Year on 19th December, 2018 from 2:30 p.m to 5p.m at Dibyo Bani Niketan, Gonpada. The Panchayat Pradhan of Manoharpur GP-3 and Fr. Petrus Kullu, the Parish Priest of Saint Arnold’s Church, Bejda were the distinguished guests for the event. 62 members from different churches had participated for the programme. The program has cultural show where the women, youth and children were given opportunity to showcase their culture and talents through dances, songs, and skits. There was also Carol Singing towards the end of the program.