Christmas celebration with remedial students

Christmas celebration with remedial students

  • Sayapara, Fatehpur and Bejda Remedial units
  • 14.12.2021 and 15.12.2021
  • 3.00 pm

The students and teachers of Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust had organized a short programme in their respective centers on 14th and 15th December 2021 on the occasion of Christmas and New Year. The programme took place in 3 remedial units at Bejda, Sayapara and Fatehpur. The teachers supported the children to put up an amazing short programme in English for the parents, GNWT Secretary and GNWT unit animators. The purpose of the programme was to spread the Christmas message and extend regards to the participants, as well as to showcase student’s improvement in communication skill, presentation skill and command over English language. Each child was given equal opportunity to perform in the event. In each center the celebration was followed by a meeting among the remedial teacher, parents, and the animator in- charge. Apart from suggestions, the parents shared positive feedback on the student’s academic improvement and the immense-ongoing support of the remedial teacher during pandemic crisis.