Drawing Competition

Drawing Competition

  • Dibyo Bani Niketan Campus, Gonpada
  • 03.07. 2022
  • 10:00am – 12:30pm Venue:

On 3rd July 2022, the Trust conducted a drawing competition for the children studying in class 8, 9 and 10 hailing from Manoharpur, Ranisorai and Tararui Panchayats. The competition was held at Dibyo Bani Niketan Campus, Gonpada from 10 am to 12:30 pm. The theme of the Drawing competition was ‘Only One Earth’ which was also the theme for the World Environment Day 2022.  The main objective of this drawing competition was to observe World Environment Day and to give awareness about the need for preservation and protection of environment to the children. There were altogether 33 participants for the drawing competition. The drawing competition began with a welcome address and prayer song. Fr. Lawrence D’ Almeida gave a speech on GNWT and its activities along with the importance of preserving and protecting our environment which was the reason behind conducting this competition. Mr. Mihir Sing gave the guidelines for the competition to the children. The children indulged in their artwork for 2 hours. At the end a group photo with the artwork of the children were taken and biscuits were distributed to them. The drawings were sent to St. Arnold’s School, Salajpur for selection of winners. The prize and certificate will be presented to them on the Independence Day, 15th August 2022.