Mushroom Cultivation Training

Mushroom Cultivation Training

  • Saint Arnold’s Church, Bejda
  • 23.2.2019

Resource Persons:

  • Sandip Manna
  • Kashmir Kujur

On 23rd February, 2019 Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust had organized one day mushroom cultivation training programme at 10 a.m. at GNWT Office, Bamanpukur. The meeting was attended by Fr. Kashmir Kujur and trainer Sandip Manna from Tararui. Fr. Kashmir Kujur discussed about the purpose of the training and introduced the resource persons to the participants. Mr. Sandip Manna discussed the cultivation process, its marketing, the pros and cons of mushroom cultivation and the overall expense. He introduced the Manpower Company in Asansol associated with mushroom marketing to the participants. After the theoretical explanation on mushroom cultivation, the resource person demonstrated the process of mushroom cultivation to the participants. The floor was then open to address questions raised by the participants. The training concluded with vote of thanks by Fr. Kashmir Kujur.