SHG Capacity Building Training Program

SHG Capacity Building Training Program

  • Dibyo Bani Niketan Center, Gonpada
  • 06.07.2022 and 07.07. 2022
  • 10am – 4pm

On 6th and 7th July 2022, Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust organized a two-day capacity building training program for the newly formed SHG Groups from the three panchayats of Manoharpur GP-3, Tararui GP-2 and Ranisorai GP -10. Fifty women from 10 new SHGs attended this program. The resource person for this program was Mr. Dipak Mondol, Trainer, and Development Counselor from Kolkata. The objective of organizing this training program was to follow up on the progress of the newly formed SHG from the capacity building training program held on May and to enable the new SHGs to work skillfully and to develop them into a strong force in the society. Keeping this in mind, Mr. Dipak Mondol discussed elaborately about the following topics:

  1. Purpose and Functions of SHGs
  2. Team Building
  3. Solidification of SHG Group
  4. Importance of Group Meetings
  5. Roles of SHG Members and Leaders
  6. Bookkeeping
  7. Taking Up and Solving Social and Community Issues
  8. Women as Leaders of the Community.

Mr. Dipak Mondal made the women take part in various games, group activities and a panel discussion to bring out teamwork, leadership, and confidence among the women. He showed them motivational videos showcasing how women from different SHGs were working in various places.  The women actively participated throughout the session and were able to come forward and speak about what they have learned and how they want to move ahead as a SHG. The SHG groups also practiced writing resolutions and presented them.  Fr. Lawrence addressed the women and motivated them to take to initiative for their development and growth. The leaders were encouraged to take responsibility and lead the group.