On 1st September, 2018 Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust had organized a tailoring awareness camp at GNWT office, Bamanpukur for the village women. The meeting started with a common prayer by respected Fr. Kashmir Kujur, followed by a speech on the purpose of the awareness camp. Fr. Kashmir encouraged the by saying that they can earn money and make the family self-sufficient from their homes itself through training in activities like tailoring, beautician, etc. Then, respected Fr. Petrus Kullu and Mrs. Sarojini Mandi motivated the members to join the training. At the end, Fr. Kashmir discussed about the course, the class timings, the course fee and its duration. This awareness camp was the initial step to initiate a tailoring unit at Gonpada Navjeevan Welfare Trust and promote income opportunities among the village women.