World Day against Child Labour Awareness Program

World Day against Child Labour Awareness Program

  • Gobindonagar
  • 11.06. 2022
  • 03:30pm -05:30pm

On 11th June 2022, GNWT celebrated the ‘World Day against Child Labour’ by conducting an awareness program in Gobindonagar Village. The theme of the ‘World Day against Child Labour’ was ‘Universal Social Protection to End Child Labour’. The main objective of the program was to give awareness to the parents and the children about child labor and the importance of education. The program began by conducting games and activities to bring attention and gather the children and their parents for the program. Mr. Ajit Mandi conducted games such as passing the ball, in and out and number games which the children enjoyed. After the participants had gathered, all the children and their parents were asked to sit for the program. Fr Lawrence D’ Almeida, the GNWT Secretary graced the program and Mr Naba Kumar Hansda, the Assistant Teacher of Bejda Primary School was present for the program as the guest speaker. Mr Ajit welcomed all the participants of the program, and a prayer song was sung by the animators. Fr. Lawrence then addressed the participants of the program. He asked the children what their first and foremost responsibility was. He told the children that their first and foremost responsibility was to get educated. He encouraged the children to go to school and said that every month a follow up will be done in the village to keep the record of school going children. Fr. Lawrence also talked about giving importance to health and cleanliness of the children. He then thanked the participants for gathering for the program. After the short message by Fr. Lawrence, Mr. Naba Kumar Hansda addressed the participants. He too stressed on children getting educated as well as the responsibility of each parent to send their children to school. He told the parents to allow their child to have the Mid-Day Meal provided by the schools. He also stressed on the issue of child labour and how it is against the rights of the children. He gave awareness to the parents about various schemes and provisions through which the government helps the school going children. He also told the participants about the provisions mentioned under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986. After the speech, Mr. Ajit then thanked all the participants for gathering and being present for the awareness program. The program ended with distribution of tea and biscuits for all.